Kamis, 28 Agustus 2014

The Tale of the Three Brothers

Hallo potterhead !  Kalau kamu ngaku penggermar kisah fiksi yg supdup (super duper) keren Harry Potter, pasti kalian tidak asing dengan potongan gambar ini kan ??? Apa hayo :P

The Tale of  TheThree Brothers on HP 7 part 1 

Yapp itu adalah salah satu cerita didalam buku The Tales of Beedle the Bard (Kisah-Kisah Beedle Si Juru Cerita) yang dibacakan Hermione dirumah Xenophilius Lovegood, ayah Luna Lovegood. Buku itu adalah buku dongeng di dunia sihir. Setidaknya ada 5 judul dalam buku itu. Diantaranya Babbity Rabbity and her Cackling Stump, The Fountain of Fair Fortune, The Warlock's Hairy Heart, The Wizard and The Hopping Pot, and The Tale of The Three Brothers. Judul terakhir adalah yang paling penting didalam pencarian Horcrux. Masih ingat film Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows? Disana dikisahkan Harry Potter, Ron Weasley dan Hermione Granger melakukan perjalanan dalam mencari Horcrux dari You-Know-Who yang masih tersembunyi.

Okelah daripada panjang-panjang ini dia Kisah dari 3 Bersaudara in english version. I hope you will enjoy the story :)

Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

Nursing Disaster

Helooooooooooooo I really missed my blog after a very very busy week of finishing my Karya Tulis Ilmiah.  I couldn't fall asleep because of the pressure and stress that I had. I didn't have any appetite to eat due to my nervousness. I kept checking paragraph by paragraph. I worked hard and Alhamdulliah it was succesfull :)

Last week, before sidang me and my friend went to Sekipan Camp. We went there to practice disaster simulation (in my college also known as Nursing Disaster subject). The scenery was beautiful. They were so many pines tree, valleys, and of course the air was soooooo fresh like i won't go home ( Solo ) bcs Solo was so hot u know. 

We build a tent to spend the night. It remind me when became a member of pramuka hehehe. The temperature was so low when night coming. The air felt so cold, so i always kept my self by jacket, socks and gloves to made body's temperature warmer.

In this simulation we were led by a korlap and we divided into 3 different area. They were disaster area, collecting area and care area. In disaster area we have to pick up the victims of the disaster in place and then gave them first aid. After that we had to bring the victims to the collecting area to identify the victims who need immediate stabilization and victims can only be saved by emergency surgery (life saving surgery). In this area a.k.a triage we can decided in labeling system with color code red, yellow, green and black. Red for extremely emergency victims, such as patient with circulatory disorder ( 1st priority), yellow for victims who was in serious problem but not emergency (2nd priority), green for victims not so emergency (3rd priority) In this area the patient still could walking in general. Black for victims who was died ( latest priority). I'll show you what triage card look like.

Triage Card
After collecting area, we had to bring the victims to the care area. In this area we gave them medication or treatment till we decided to move the victims to the nearest hospital. And i was chosen to be one member of care area. 

 There were some photos of the simulation. Thank you @meivisantya for these awesome pictures :D

Giving First Aid
Care Area

The Victims

Another red case

See u on my next post, thank you for visited my blog :D

Sabtu, 12 April 2014


Seperti sebuah capung yang diterjang hujan lebat, aku lemah. Sayapku tak begitu kuat melawan air hujan yang datangnya keroyokan itu. Lalu capung betina lain menghampiriku, "Ayo kita menepi, kamu masih ingin tetap hidup bukan?".
Mungkin bagi manusia hujan ini tidak begitu menyakitkan jika menghujani tubuhnya. Tapi aku terlalu lemah, sehingga aku harus benar-benar menepi. Aku kemudian mengikuti capung yang tadi menghampiriku. Kami berdua menepi dibawah daun Tectona Grandis. Disana aku bertemu ulat yang sedang tertidur dibawah daun, sepertinya dia tidak menghiraukan dinginnya temperatur angin. Aku bersandar pada daun satunya. Melepas lelahku.
“Hih!” Sayapku jadi rusak terkena hujan tadi. Aku sebal kenapa hujan datangnya begitu tiba-tiba dan pergi tanpa permisi seenaknya. "Jangan begitu, kalau tidak ada hujan, bukankah kamu tidak akan pernah melihat indahnya pelangi?" sahut capung teman baruku tadi. Aku baru paham. Sebenci apapun kamu terhadap sesuatu jangan pernah membencinya seumur hidup, karena pasti ada keindahan yang lain yang akan kau temukan. Hujan kemudian berangsur reda, wow "Pelangi" pekikku. Sang ulat sampai terbangun mendengar suaraku. Dan kemudian akupun kembali terbang hati-hati sambil tersenyum pada pelangi :)